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Photo by Nikola Jovanovic on Unsplash.jpg

Finding Hope in the Dark

A workshop.
Designed and developed by Holistic Journaling Founder, Jill Grumbache.

Hope Matters. And it's not wishful thinking.

Hope is an internal resource you can develop.


I've been thinking. It's getting harder to have hope. It seems we're all experiencing a collective hangover from COVID. Coupled with this lingering malaise, we're continually confronted with unparalleled environmental worries, a perplexing presidential election in the U.S. that will have global implications, and conflicts in regions where peace should prevail. Additionally, soaring food and gas prices are forcing people to rethink their eating habits and travel plans. There’s a huge amount of focus in the news and storytelling in general on what could go horribly wrong. It's a climate that can definitely produce more pessimism that hope.


Yet, hope is essential for our survival. It encourages positive actions in our lives. So, how do we find realistic hope?

This workshop is for women who:


  • lived through COVID.

  • are curious about developing the skill of realistic hopefulness.

  • are weary of listening to the news.

  • are concerned or fearful about the state of our world.

  • have experienced loss.

  • have experienced trauma.

  • have experienced depression and/or anxiety.

  • choose to grow as a person.

  • would like to be more hopeful.

What this workshop will do.

  • This 90-minute workshop is designed to delve into the neuroscience of hope and its positive effects on our brains, emotions, and overall health.


  • Present not just the theory of hope, but also the widely researched field that is now considered the science of hope.


  • Shed light on how the science of hope can transform individual lives and society at large.


  • Provide participants time to assess their own capacity for hope, understand how hope can mitigate trauma, and start learning how to cultivate, incorporate, and sustain realistic hope in their daily lives and awareness.


  • Use the power of journaling and collectively journal our opinions, thoughts, and feelings about this subject. And there will be time for sharing and discussion.

Photo2 by imso gabriel on Unsplash.jpg
Photo by Kristel Hayes on Unsplash_edited.jpg

What this workshop won't do:

  • Endorse toxic positivity or promote the so-called 'new' toxic resilience. Being emotional superheroes is less important than being authentic. What we need is to develop the skill that fosters hope, a hope that can bring about positive change in our lives.

Details and Registration


  • $40


This workshop will be offered on these dates:

Pick the most convenient option from two different dates and times. (NOTE: All times are Eastern Standard)


  • Tuesday, September 24th - from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Sunday, September 29th - from 9:00 am to 10:30 am



  • 90-minute



  • Live on Zoom


Photo by James Yu on Unsplash.jpg
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